Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Earth Day Quiz

Test your knowledge!

1. When was the first Earth Day?
* 1962
* 1970

* 1973

* 1980

2. Which symbol means recycling?

* state silhoutte

* the EPA seal

* three arrows in a circle

* a heart

3. Which creates more pollution?

* the average home
* the average car

* about the same

4. Climate change may result from:

* Natural factors, such as changes in the sun's intensity.

* Natural processes, such as changes in ocean circulation.
* Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels.

* All of the above.

5. What are these kids doing?

* skipping school
* playing a game

* checking water clarity

* fishing for trout

6. AQI means:

* A Quince Inside

* Apres Quarantine Insights

* Aquatic "Q" Indicators
* Air Quality Index

Earth Day Quiz taken from US EPA. To find out about events and volunteer opportunities in your community go to epa.gov/earthday.

** Answers to this Earth Day Quiz will appear in the Earth Day Blog on April 22, 2009.

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